Sunday, August 03, 2008




當 時間慢慢過去,沉淀的心情還有世故的變化,都在一種自己無法了解和捕捉的意識空間里醞釀著。毗鄰自己的一片灌木的樣子似乎沒什麽大變化,可是我的心境似乎 變了。呼吸的節奏變了。很多故事被敘述的時候,往往都有那么的一段:變不回去了;或者是:太久遠了,以前的仿佛是影子,似有似無。





最近閱讀了Zi Yun的blog (大家可以在右欄裡鍵連),附帶閱讀了令她憤怒的那篇文章,我不禁有一種深深的悲痛。我不由的沉思。我的心裡似乎一直都有一個答案漂游著。一種朦朧的感覺,情景,概念。

在 令到Zi Yun憤怒的文章里,我看到了作家的一種少年方剛的氣憤。我仿佛看到了以前的我,有些許惆悵起來。以前的我,難道不是對愛情充滿著無數的,數不盡的原則還 有不可扭曲的論述?那種不可一世的態度,那種鄙視人間的精神,那種恨不得手中掌有生死之權的咒語,難道不是以前的我的寫照?當自己把自己埋藏在書堆裡,閱 讀了無數作家的滔滔大論,變得似乎些許驕恃起來了,好像自己擁有了男人的弱點,抑或是女人的強處,抑或是人類的醜陋,抑或是扭曲事實的手段,還有無數的抑 或。是無數的,因為雖然主心思想不會改變,但是充斥著生活的原則時不時的在變化著。



我 在尋找,到底這種腐敗的思想,怎么連社會所謂的受過教育的我們也會蒙蔽自己的眼睛?當人類們都在說西藏的人權問題的時候,就沒有人見到背後的陰謀?在中國 當局盡力解釋西藏的自由的時候,難道他們沒有看到自己的殘暴?事情都有兩面,事情也可能不止兩面。我們沒有權利去述說西藏是否應該獨立,抑或是美國的自由 主義是最崇高的。我只能說,我們人類應該做的是,不斷的尋找一個和平的共處方案。利益可能受到迫害,那就繼續談下去。任何一種突變的形式都會令到人民受到 大損失。當初蘇聯的瓦解,在今天禍亂重重的俄羅斯里,我們看到了什麽?在當初美國政府無情的暗殺美國境里的共產黨主義者,那我們看到了什麽?自由主義倡導 的人人自由,那相信共產主義就是錯,就不可以?還得趕盡殺絕?


我不排斥 自己有偏激的一面。在外邊的世界逗留了這么久,和無數不同的國度的人們交談過,交心過。大夥兒坐下來一起過冬,吃酒,談著不同國度里不同的文化,大家也難 免爭吵,對一種主意,一種想法,一種倡導,十個人,有的想法不下二十個吧。可是我可以斷定,我們都是愉快的。大家都覺得大家的眼界開闊了。我因為了解了西 方人的放蕩不羈而覺得有一種遼闊的感覺慢慢的滋長在自己的生命中;西方人何嘗不是驚嘆于東方人的自律還有勤勞和執著?我們大家口頭上都是喋喋不休的,可是 心底下都不由得有一絲絲的動心。


那愛情呢?Zi Yun和那位仁兄都似乎不認同男人的背叛還有女人們的從容,甚至媽媽的慫恿。一些詛咒的言語也因此出現了。這,真的是事情的全面嗎?


我 見到了一對香港情侶,天天生活在一起,可是他們都沒想過結婚,也認為本身對生活的追求是獨立的,也沒去想過承諾,也沒想過未來。他們就是那么的生活在一 起;我見到過一對來自西方國家和另一個來自中東國家的情侶。他們摒棄自己的宗教文化背景生活在一起,他們互相包涵,也不提之間的文化差異,還有宗教要求。 他們也天天生活在一起,他們也沒想過未來,沒想過結婚;我見到過一對來自中國的情侶。他們兩個來自不同的省份,說著不同的方言,卻因為學術環境還有共同的 普通話而認識,結交,生活在一起。他們對彼此有山盟海誓,有承諾,也希望自己能和彼此終老。他們堅定,他們奮鬥;我也見過來自不同國度的情侶,也見過遠距 離戀愛的情侶。每個人都來自不同的國度,擁有不同的語言,思想,甚至不同的時間。

我見到了很多驚人的事實,我見到了很多對愛情不同的看 法,我見到了很多不同的文化的衝擊和緩和。在一段愛情里,成分太多,沒有人能保證什麽。我本人對事業很執著,對愛情相對的也不怎么介意了。有的人對愛情執 著,不允許背叛。我也見到了有些人出軌了,到最後兩人和好了,也一起終老的情侶和我談起了以前的事故。

我在想,人類,是何其的奇妙和美 麗。我們都擁有著億萬個不同的想法。不說其他人,就說說自己吧。誰敢說自己從以前到現在的想法是一致的?我們都生活在一條河裡,一條被風御著的河流。我們 周圍的光景有時一樣,有時卻是截然的不同。我們的前方擁有著不同的礁石,不知明的轉彎。我們也遇到無數的分岔路。我們遇到不同的人,不同的文化,不同的想 法,甚至是不同的生物。我們聚合,我們分散。




我 們,何嘗不是最悲哀的?連男人和女人都在戰爭的時候,當我們國度里的種族互相鄙視,互相殘殺,互相吞是彼此的時候,我不禁的在想,我們的希望在哪裡?我們 的下一餐飯,是不是虛假的,沒有意義的?是不是在什麽地方有人默默的死了而把怨恨拋給世人?是不是有人在某個地方壯烈的死了,而認為自己的無比崇高是永遠 正確的?


我的朋友們,和我一起在遠離自己的家鄉,遠離自己祖先的地方在流浪,遠離自己熟悉的文化和語言在打 拼,奔走,漂泊的朋友們。。。我們,是在以前自己的社會里被人稱為精英的人物。我們不應該放棄在人世間還存在的情理。我們不應該認為共存是不可能的;我們 不應該因為一些自己認為崇高的原則還有一些宗教的釋義而奪取另一個人,甚至另一種生物的生命。我相信,在這個時候,大家都在努力地為世界做一些事情。我相 信,我們不應該以詛咒,還有殺戮為出發點。在這個時候,我們應該為共存的空間奮鬥下去。

我不知道我們之間任何一個人的明天是怎么樣的。可 是就算有一個人走入了歧途還有黑暗之中,我希望你能夠相信你可以把他帶出來,而不是詛咒他,殺死他。如果你認為這個人的思想不正確,那第一件事是溝通。真 的不能共存嗎?如果對方是真的在黑暗的那一方,我求你,不要放棄他。不要詛咒他。要盡力的幫助他,因為你可能就是那唯一一個可以救他的人,也可能是唯一一 個看到他的錯誤,他的悲痛的人。

我們都有害怕的那一面,都有怕被傷害的那一面。可是,難道東西都不是共存的嗎?請想想,因為有了害怕,所以我們才知道如何勇敢起來因為有了黑暗,所以我們知道光明的好處。 如果,如果。。。如果我們的世界還有社會處於一種沒有毒品,沒有戰爭,沒有乞丐,沒有淪落人士,沒有搶劫,強奸,沒有任何一切罪犯的國度里,我無法想象, 那個時候,如果我們向彼此說起‘罪’這一個字的時候,大家都無法明白的搖起頭來的那種情形是多么的悲哀。如果世界里的情侶沒有一個背叛,沒有一個出軌事 件,我相信很多人會慢慢的對愛情這一個觀念失去新鮮感,甚至不會珍惜自己的伴侶。難道,你們不是因為你們認為你們遇到了值得讓你犧牲的另一半而開心嗎?就 是因為愛情的世界里充滿著背叛,所以當我們找到對的人,對的感覺還有忠誠的另一半,我們都會很感謝上天,很珍惜自己的愛人。





Wei Zhi said...

tmdcccb blog in chinese pulak i read first paragraph already headache lah!

will read again later... this one font really too small :P

Harry MacDowel said...

haha kanneh...btw i found out that the chinese font size is different when viewed wif different comp punya firefox or diff browsers...juz go and maximize it urself la a baby nia chin cibai. olo

i admit it's too 'literature-like' at start. but if i translate this into english i guess it would be two to three times better not :P

Wei Zhi said...


a true author caters to all his readers.... knn... ask me customize my firefox juz to read ur blog lol

Harry MacDowel said...

u can either use 'ctrl' + '+' to increase the font size, or there is an option in Tools where u can literally enlarge all websites' font sizes.

If all those that are recommended above still don't work, I suggest pressing 'Ctrl' + 'Alt' + 'Del' for the ultimate solution to all PCs to date.

{Wenying}© said...

omg dudes..anyway eh ghee since when u start writing things with such 内涵 eh? but need time to understand leh =P
but it is meaningful...chinese 文盲 like me need to read a lot of times lo...

Harry MacDowel said...

oi paiseh paiseh haha...

nothing deep is used la. if read slowly i m sure all of you can understand. dun underestimate urself. ;-)

btw i will start to blog a lot on meaningful things frequently d. hehe. hope it helps, in a way.

Zzzyun said...

hi.. thks for writing sucha long reply to my post.

i must say, it being in chinese is quite hard for me to comprehend. since i havent read such geng chinese in sucha long time, plus chinese has never been my strong point!

Anyway, from what i cud understand, what u mean is why everybody cant live in peace together, right? well, i used to think so too, and now still hope for tat, but with the current society, i think that's a farfetched hope.

and true, i'd a fren who seemed to have dropped into darkness - depression. but with our gentle reminders, there seemed to be no help at all. none of us wanted to be the one to tell him that he was the one with the problem as he has an erratic temper and we wanted to keep the friendship intact.

so tell me, what shld one do when one has already tried everything to help a friend, but he still refuses to believe?

cant do much but just let him be i guess.

sometimes its true, "god" only helps those who help themselves.

ps: i'm not sure whether this is ur point.. coz i didn't totally understand ur post :P

Harry MacDowel said...

hello zi yun! long time no c.hehe.and yup i know bout u going to trip and 'the bf' house. been keeping up with ur blog all the while punya. ;-)

er, actually i mean, appreciate the presence of evil while we pursue kindness. because of evil, there exists kindness and vice versa. In a world which is homogeneous, we will never ever be able to seek what is true in ourselves.

In this world, there are a lot of ideals. These ideals co-exist because one way or another they contribute to the balance. It's like a million pieces which in the end equal to the yin and the yang.

It is perfectly okay to hold onto the principles, but there also should exist a subconsciou type of understanding that hatred shud not be spilled. Islam and Christianity co-exist, but because there is hatred and disrespect spilled across the misunderstanding, so there is war.

the post is mainly about co-existence, the essence of co-existence and what made co-existence important. and it's also on the basic respect and tranquility within a soul, a balance within ourselves that everyone can achieve when one learns to forgive, forget and insensible.

well, haha, i inscribe a lot of philosophies that i've been trying to figure out all along into it. so, interpret it as the way u want it to be la. maybe half a year later you read this post again u will find that u are reading it the different way.

and for your fren, that's another case. depression and ignorance always come together. he is having a problem and if he does not think that committing suicide is the way out, sooner or later he sure will solve it. be patient. dun give up on him. always be patient, loving and insensible enough to live everyday serenely and happily.

of course, in the end, i seek a peaceful balance. i will fight for it, to make ppl understand what i understand.


Zzzyun said...

hello! sry for my lousy comprehension of ur chinese post that u had to come and explain it to me haha..

hmm i think i get ur point appreciating the presence of evil while we pursue kindness. coz without evil, how wud we know what is kindness right?

but i wouldnt use the phrase "appreciate evil". coz "appreciate" sounds like u are giving it the nod of approval. how abt acknowledging the presence of evil?

and by detesting it, we are acknowlegding it right? shldnt we try to lead everyone to goodness?

i know, here comes the problem. coz everyone think their way is the best. and they try to convince others to see so, and if everything doesnt go their way, out comes the weapons!

yes i admit that i support a world where eg men/women and all religions can co-exist together.

but surely there's a difference btw wanting good and evil to co-exist together?

no doubt, evil will always be there, as humans are easily tempted. that's why we shld encourage ppl to do good. as goodness is smtg that is fast-dwindling in today's world.

when i said evil, i refer to things like murders, rape etc. of coz, infidelity cud be considered as one i guess. moral standards!

the reason i dislike the guy mentioned in that post was the fact that he did it knowingly. if he was a single guy up for one nite stands, that's his problem, i wudnt judge.

but if it involves hurting another person (ie the gf), then it's a different story altogether. get what i mean? i hope this sounds coherent haha

Wei Zhi said...

finally read it... indeed a post good enuff to start the blowing of a new wind ^^

Harry MacDowel said...

Sometimes, people hurt each other just to feel that their presence is there.

Acknowledging by detesting, is the not the way. Let's say, you live in a world which is totally homogeneous. You have a lot of different faces around you, but everyone thinks like ziyun, acts like ziyun. Everyone has the same moral standard and everyone does not cheat on another. In a world like that, i dun think one will even understand what is betrayal and what is true love. It is a world doomed to self-implosion. If we add an evolution factor into that world, sooner or later there will be someone who cheat on his/her bf/gf and doing it knowingly. I guess you would conceive this too, right?

and bout appreciating or acknowledging, it does not really matter to me. As far as we do not detest its presence, I am all right wif it. There is no human who is totally evil or totally kind. Every now and then we cross the line. Each time we cross it, we judge our mistakes coz we know our own standard. And thus slowly we will turn out a better person. If a person does not follow that path, i might say, wait a little. There's always good in evil. Believe in that person. Believe in the power of balance, coz nobody can do all evil in his life. The balance will strike back.

so what's wrong wif that person doing it knowingly? I am sure he knows it. and sooner or later he gonna regret it anyway. and what about that gal who is being hurt? i think she will look at things clearer next time and she will haf a logical judge next time when it comes to relationship. See? things balance themselves eventually. That's how balance works.

I know what you are thinking, perfectly, coz i used to think that way all the while until recently i slowly understand what is balance. well, in the end, it might just be another principle to you. ;-)

maybe i had brought in some buddha philosophies here. i never understand why Buddha will allow sins to exist and do not strive to purge them and do not strive to define them. I think now I do understand a little. It's a way of balance. The way we live our lives, is the path for us to understand the balance and in the end the goods and the evils we do sum up to nothingness, like a zero-sum game in game theory. i guess that's why Buddha said that everything is right and everything is wrong; everything that has a look is also empty on the other side.

cheers! ;-)

Zzzyun said...

you do have a point there.

but there's one thing i cant believe in - yet.

that the fact that nobody can do all evil his life. yes true, the serial rapist out there might be a filial son to his mother etc but then what abt his victims? they did not ask to be raped. who is going to help them?

you give the serial rapist another chance. let him out into society after a few yrs in jail. and what happens? he rapes again. doesnt turn over his ways at all. so whose fault was it that it happened?

as i said, there will always be evil in the world - everybody cannot be the same. so what we can do is help those who still can be helped towards goodness.

if we let the evil be, just because we need tat as balance - i fear for our planet. coz humans, if you let them have the freedom to do whatever they want, they'll be selfish and gradually lean towards evil.

i understand what you said, perfectly. its alright if the evil person will change for good later, but sometimes they dont.

thats why i believe we shld encourage more goodness. coz out of 10 ppl u encourage, goodness know (pun!) how many ppl will really listen...

Harry MacDowel said...

haha yup. and i din say i encourage evil to stay. my point is, when evil happens, it happens for a reason and it sums up to the balance. what i really mean is, we shud give that person another chance coz nobody can do all evil. that's what i believe, too.

actually, evil and good, there is no true boundary to separate them. nowadays punya rapist and ancient time punya rapist, the moral standard that holds at that time and now, is totally different. by the moral standard in today's society, how can you be actually sure that the right thing you do now might be wrong 50 years later?

instead, what shud we do is to follow the heart. if u do sth that ur heart thinks it's evil, then dun do. It is that simple.

And btw I would like to quote wz on this: there's always good for us to make and to do, becoz everytime u feel that there is one, it means u haf sinned one way or another.

and just what is sin? lol.

in the end, it's just balance, really. what is good and what is evil? that is a society's moral standard. and this standard might change drastically later on. who knows? the real way to live a happy life is to follow our heart.

cheers, again! XD

Zzzyun said...

hmm i agree on the part whr we shld follow the heart. but i think that only applies to individuals who still hv some degree of conscience. some of those criminals seemed to hv lost them along the way.

i know no one is all good. but yeah.. that is why everybody shld always strive to do good. then only we can head towards a more idealistic sort of society..

but i wonder when will tat happen..