When Christian fanatics talk to me about God and etc, I always find it irritating and try to escape from them all the while. The way these fanatics interpret God and life is not the way I agree with. Being a scientific person, I would always like to see things around myself as a form of interpretable and logical appearance, not as something which seems 'out-of-nowhere'.
Realm of Energy
I myself believe in the balance and everything is energy. Like what Buddha said, what we think is what we create, and each universe from each individual that crosses path builds up to the ultimate universe and experience. I would like to think of it this way: The whole universe exists as a balance of energy, every single part of it. You can neither destroy energy nor create it, you can only transform an energy form from one form to another, and vice versa. That's what science is about, and that's what life and spiritual thinking is about.
So tell me, my fellow Christians, how do you define God? God is the one who creates the whole universe, He is indestructible, He is always here and there, in every single form and another. And what is energy? Energy creates the universe, energy is indestructible, energy always exist here and there, every single part of our surrounding objects and even ourselves. In the end, it boils down to how you look at things, really. If you look at things from a religious point of view, it turns out that you can hardly change a shit. For example, to destroy what God has created is a blasphemy. But for scientists, to manipulate the way energy works is never a blasphemy in any sort of logical reasons. The reasons behind work differently all together.
To be exact, I think Christianity should be practiced as a philosophy rather than a religion. There are major differences to it. When you practice the philosophy, you are balancing up your life by projecting the positive energy from your mind. (This statement is not un-scientific. Think of it this way, when your brain thinks of something, the neurotic cells are generating bio-electricity that thus generates thoughts. This bio-electricity, when generated, always generate waves. These waves thus interact with the environment around you, and therefore at another time later you will surely reap the feedbacks from the environment). When you are practicing it in a religious way, there're a thousand ways you will go wrong. Look at the crusaders. Look at the jihad movement created by the Muslims. What in the world is going on? Simply with the fact that the overwhelming, indestructible reasons from the interpretation of the holy book or some holy persons simply blind the devotees. Buddha never intends Buddhism to be a religion, and so does Jesus. Tell me, when Jesus had said that he wanna create a new religion called Christianity? He never did. All he wanna do from the start is to introduce changes to Jewism.
So pretty much we are dealing with the inner strength as we speak. When there is a divine being that gonna protect us and give us comfort, that's religion. When there is a reason and thoughts that we can reflect on ourselves and thus change the way we output to the world and the way we filter the inputs, that's called philosophy. And in the end, philosophy couldn't reach out so easily because it requires people who actually can think objectively. So, eventually, wise people blend philosophy into religions, and hope that in the end the general public will walk towards good deeds and positive thinking.
So, why trouble yourself with religion? You are yourself and you are part of God's realm. Yes you are, aren't you a bundle of energy that lives and interacts with the surrounding? The same works with constellation, stars, sun and gravity. We can even define ourselves as God if you want to, if that's what you want. I knew it when I said that I gonna get cornered-looks from the Christians. But hey, I am talking about Energy here. Energy is the God in my belief. I do think that God is inside me, and I am indeed part of what God wills me to do. To open people's eyes about what really is and what really is not. What really is, is the very essence of life, the energy. What really is not, is the interpretations and the rules and the laws of a religion that bind us while we don't even understand why the laws are there. That, is what not is.
The Secret
'The Secret' is a book that I would ultimately recommend everyone to read or to watch. (the DVD I mean). It has a bizzarre reasoning to start with, but in the end it still is about what I said just now, energy. It basically says that, if you think of what you want, you will get what you want.
From energy point of view, when you think positively, you will generate positive thoughts, and positive thoughts generate waves that interact with the environment. When you are in the mood of happiness or positive feelings, these waves will get even more amplified. Because of the happiness waves you generate, the bad waves input, such as credit card bills and stuff that enter your brain will be suppressed instead. This state-of-mind, will ultimately bring you to the course that you want to. You will never resist to smile back at a person who is really smiling so happily out of his/her heart to you, even when you are so down, right?
So what's with this secret? This secret is the law of attraction. It tells you that, like attracts like. If you are so fucking poor now, but the way you generate positive thoughts and being in the positive mood about you are getting to the point where abundance is your life, you will get to it anyhow. It's because the energy will balance itself. Mind me, it's not God that gives you what you want. It's you. You are the God now. You demands what you want, not God. Don't believe in that bullshit cause if you do, you will never understand what I am talking about. Everything in this universe is about interactions. Every interaction builds themselves from the ground of 'energy'. And thus, Law of Attraction works. You generate positive energy, in the end what you gonna produce is a resonance effect. Everything around you start to vibrate at your frequency, and thus the things you want to achieve start to materialize.
So what if you already think of what you want but you still don't get it? That's it. That's the Law of Attraction. When you start to ASK, you get the ANSWER from the universe, but because from the law of causality we know that there's always time lag between input and output, what the universe responds to us is not instant. So you have to RECEIVE. To receive, you have to be in the right mood, and you gotta really yearn for it a lot. Even there are theories which say ghosts exist because when hateful people die, the brainwaves they generate is so strong that it keeps vibrating around the space and thus when people with higher senses pick it up, they see the hateful message of that person---ghost. The same works with the Secret. If you have the thought of doing it, you have the way to do it finally, but you aren't just in the right mood to perform it, you will never get it. An example is, you want to become a great civil engineer. You want it real bad. You know how to do it, the universe has shown you to it...to be knowledge hungry, creative and etc. But you just don't believe you can do it. That's it. You are done. You get what you want, and you attract what you think. So in the end, the universe grants you that. You cannot do it.
Philosophy of doing it
I realized the philosophy that actually drives my life since I thought about it in form 3. I was always a lazy kid who never did my homework and in the end I got fished out by teachers. I was scolded by them, I was scolded by my parents. They kept telling me: it's too late for you to do anything. At that moment, I got the light on my philosophy: Nothing is too late, and nothing is too early. Things come to you at precisely the moment that they needed to, as you wish them to be. So I suddenly open myself up. I actually intended for the whole 'scolding' phenemona to start with. Of course, it is subconscious. But to think of it, why not it is actually subconsciously intentious? I had family problems, I had a lot of uncertainties in my life. And I wanted an alarm to change myself. And there I had it, the alarming wake-up call.
So what is the philosophy of doing it? To get what you want, to achieve what you want to? In the end it is not the desire that drives you to it, but the feelings. When you want to get rich, but you are so frustrated about your life, you might get rich in a way, but you will never be happy. The philosophy is, be in the positive mind while asking for what you want, and be grateful about it. When you feel grateful, you feel contented, and your life is full, thus you can start to give. When you start to give these 'contented' feelings to the people around you, things start to get positive, and things you want will appear eventually. That's how you wanna do it. You wanna believe in yourself that you are actually the God of your life. We are born with the power of manipulating energy. We are indeed, in the realm of Energy, thus the realm of God already.
Past, Present and Future
So that concludes it: the state we are in now, is an action from the past. That's present. And future has totally nothing to do with it. Trust me. When you failed test A, what you gonna fill your mind is just the bad emotions and self-blaming as a result from your failure in test A. Guess what? Yes you get it. You dwell on the bad frequency, you resonate more failures and bad frequency. Thus people tell you, the past is important because it is related to you. Absolutely no! The past only creates the present of you, and the future you, you can always tune your feelings and energies to breakthrough the past actions. What defines the future you is your present action, not the present state you are in because of your past actions.
I love weekends. Weekends are always the time when I can actually settle down and to think. I hope I do inspire you guys. And to my fellow Christians, sorry for the insults. I did not intend them. But really, treat your own religion objectively. Do not couple it with the laws and rules. Look beyond them and see the real philosophy inside. On the other hand, tradition and religion are always two different things. You can always sembahyang your nenek moyang even you are Christian. Come on la! Open up! ^^
P/S: Isn't it the science of wave energy balance the same as Christians' prayers and Buddhists' prayers? The same oso with the Guanyima prayers. When you pray hard, you generate solid brainwaves that resonate your life. Great! Yep, you can do it too, even without a religion!